Search engines are an important part of marketing your web site. Below you will find helpful tips and links to help you submit your web site. Please read through this entire page... it will be time well spent! These
sites will open in their own window.
Google Well number 1 search engine Yahoo Before listing your site on yahoo do some research. Be sure to find the appropriate category for your site (find local will sometimes get your site listed better) Excite
You will find the submit a site link at the bottom of the page. Excite
offers two types of paid submissions: *Express
Submit for $199.00 (your site is reviewed within 2 business days) and **Basic
Submit for $99.00 (your site is reviewed in approximately 8 weeks). This is
definitely a good expenditure to promote your site. Here is what Excite says:
"Your site will be listed in the LookSmart Network of partner sites
including Excite, AltaVista, MSN, iWon, CNN, Time Warner, and over 370 ISPs.
Excite and the LookSmart Network reach four out of five US Internet users -
that's 64 million potential new customers!" Alta Vista Go to submit a site (located at the bottom of the page). Alta Vista also offers *express submit but, if you scroll down the page you will find that they have a free listing opportunity as well. HotBot Submit web site appears mid-page on the left side. Lycos After submitting to Lycos keep checking back. You may have to submit your site more then once to get it indexed. The link to add your site is towards the bottom of the page. MSN You will find the add your web site link about 3/4 of the way down the page in the center. When you get to the proper page you find that MSN also uses *Express Submit and **Basic Submit. If you scroll down the page you will find a way to add your site for free, but read about it and you will understand the importance of paying for submission here. Northern Light The register your URL link appears mid page under "FYI User Information". Web Crawler Another Excite engine using *Express Submit and **Basic Submit. AOL Search AOL Search draws from DMOZ Open Directory Project. You will find the add URL link at the top of the page. Follow the directions on the "How to add a site to the Open Directory" page. Here is what they say about their directory: "Once your site has been accepted into the Open Directory, it may take anywhere from 2 weeks to several months for your site to be listed on partner sites which use the Open Directory data, such as AOL Search, AltaVista, HotBot, Google, Lycos, Netscape Search, etc. We make updates of the data available weekly, but each partner has their own update schedule." Inkotomi Search Submit Inkotomi is large directory which many search engines draw their results from. This service is offered by Network Solutions. It is a paid submission, but very reasonable. Check it out. This search site can give you quick results. At you bid for your ranking, so nothing is left to chance. To find out more about it, click on "List Sites and Products" at the bottom of the page. *Express
Submit for $199.00 (your site is reviewed within 2 business days)
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